Face-to-face classes have been running in district venues since Term 4 2020 and we re-opened face-to-face classes in our two City Campus venues from Term 1 2021. More information will be added to this page from time to time. Latest information is at the top.
30-Jan-23 Update
Updated COVID Safe Plans published on the website home page.
26-Aug-22 Update
From Term 4 2022, we are ending our COVID Vaccination Policy.
1-Jun-22 Update
From Term 3 2022, we are relaxing our COVID Vaccination Policy a little. It will now apply only to indoor classes.
9-Jan-22 Update
In line with government advice regarding schools, to avoid opening during the predicted peak of the Omicron wave and to allow more time for members to receive their COVID-19 boosters, U3A Brisbane will delay reopening for Term 1 indoor face-to-face classes until Monday February 7. Zoom and other classes can resume as originally planned on 24th of January.
18-Nov-21 Update
U3A Brisbane will implement a Vaccination Policy for face-to-face classes in Term 1 2022 in line with Government directions. Only Members who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a medical exemption registered on the Australian Immunisation Register can attend a face-to-face class in 2022.
11-Nov-21 Update
Qld Government has relaxed restrictions regarding wearing face masks. Masks are no longer mandatory, but recommended in crowded situations.
8-Oct-21 Update
The Qld Government has relaxed restrictions and we are able to open face-to-face classes in all venues from Monday 11th October. Face masks are still required indoors under Stage 3 Restrictions, but you may remove a mask if seated and maintaining 1.5m social distancing.
30-Sep-21 Update
The Qld Government has announced a return to Stage 2 restrictions, which means a one person per 4 sq.m. rule is imposed indoors. Term 4 start date for face-to-face classes is therefore be delayed to Monday 18th October.
28-Sep-21 Update
The Qld Government reinstated Face Mask restrictions. Masks must be worn at all times in indoor places, and outdoors when you cannot maintain social distancing of 1.5m from others.
24-Sep-21 Update
The Qld Government relaxed Face Mask restrictions. Masks must be worn at all times in indoor places when standing and outdoors when you cannot maintain social distancing of 1.5m from others. However, you can remove a mask while seated at indoor venues such as U3A classrooms.
11-Sep-21 Update
The Qld Government extended Level 3 restrictions until 24th September. Face masks still required in all classrooms.
27-Aug-21 Update
The Qld Government announced that the room density restrictions will ease from Friday 27th August at 4pm. This means we are back to room density of 1 person per 2sq.m. so we are able to re-open all face-to-face classes from Monday 30th August. Our two City Campus venues will re-open from that date. Face masks required indoors.
18-Aug-21 Update
The Qld Government announced that the room density restriction of one person per 4 sq.m. remains in place until Friday 27th August. We cannot operate classes under this restriction so this means that indoor face-to-face classes must remain suspended until Monday 30th August. There are exceptions for some district classes using larger venues. Face masks should still be worn indoors. Our city office is still closed but members can contact office staff by phone or email.
8-Aug-21 Update
Lockdown ended by Qld Government from 4pm today Sunday 8th August. However, a room density restriction of one person per 4 sq.m. is in place for the next two weeks. We cannot operate classes under this restriction so this means that indoor face-to-face classes must remain suspended until Monday 23rd August.
2-Aug-21 Update
Lockdown extended by Qld Government until 4pm Sunday 8th August. Face-to-face classes remain suspended.
31-Jul-21 Update
Lockdown announced by Qld Government until 4pm Tuesday 3rd August. This means no face-to-face classes on Monday 2nd or Tuesday 3rd August.
30-Jul-21 Update
Face mask requirement extended for another week to Friday 6th August by Qld Government directive.
24-Jul-21 Update
Face-to-face classes resume on Monday 26th July but face masks will be required for the first week.
15-Jul-21 Update
Current Qld Government restrictions have been extended a further week. Term 3 face-to-face classes now commence from Monday 26th July.
5-Jul-21 Update
The start of Term 3 face-to-face classes has been deferred by one week to the week commencing 19th July because of temporary occupant density restrictions imposed by Qld. Health. Zoom classes are unaffected.
Additionally, from Term 3 onwards, all of our venues will be required to implement the Check In Qld QR app on entry. We need to continue using our own QR app in each classroom since this is needed to record class attendances.
19-Apr-21 Update
Term 2 classes have started, again using COVID Safe Plans. Most venues and face-to-face classes have room capacity limits.
1-Dec-20 Update
In Term 1 we will reopen both Creek St and Adelaide St venues for classes (from 27th January). There are still restrictions in place, and one of these is the allowed room capacity – 2sq. metres per person. We have calculated the number of students we are allowed to have in each of our rooms. Unless the government relaxes the rules further these are the number of students permitted in each room in Term 1 2021. See our COVID Safe Plan for more information.
Class Times
There will only be 3 timeslots per day with an hour between classes to allow staggered starts and finishes and cleaning between classes. Each class will be of 1 hour duration, and members may arrive up to 30 minutes early and go straight to the class room. Accurate class attendance information is necessary and we will be using our QR Code system to enable members to register their attendance. Class fees for City Campus classes will need to be paid in advance for the full term.
6-Sep-20 Update
Several district groups will be returning to face-to-face classes in Term 4, having submitted their COVID Safe Plans as per templates below. Members will find these classes clearly highlighted by searching districts in Class Search.
18-Aug-20 Update
U3A Brisbane is required to have COVID-19 Safety plans in place if we are to offer any face-to-face classes. The Management Committee has decided that we won't be offering any face-to-face classes in the two City Campus venues in Term 4, but selected district classes may operate if the conditions of the COVID Safe Plans can be met. These plans are now available, and tutors should contact the relevant District Coordinator if they wish to conduct a face-to-face class.
COVID Safe Plan - Indoor Classes
COVID Safe Plan - Outdoor Classes
14-May-20 Update
Message from President - Government Rules and U3A
I hope you are staying safe at this time. With the release of the Qld Government's plan to start a staged removal of restrictions I need to clarify U3A Brisbane’s position.
The Government’s general plan does not apply to our demographic. People over 65 need to follow the advice for "older" Australians on the Queensland Government Health Dept website rather than the general advice.
As each staged step towards removal of restrictions takes place the Management Committee is consulting with our Health Advisory Group to see how this will relate to U3A.
Their current advice is that it is too early for U3A to resume any activities. We are advised to wait for at least a month to see the result of the easing of restrictions. This is in line with Government policy. The Government is saying they will ease some restrictions and then wait 4 weeks to see how it goes before moving to the next stage.
Our Health Advisory Group believes that because of our demographic and the nature of the virus, for medical reasons, we should be very cautious and should probably be the last group to ease restrictions.
I have arranged to send the Advisory Group an email at each new stage of the Government’s planned easing of restrictions requesting their advice. This is to ensure that we are all aware of the safest course of action. I will pass on this advice to our membership.
We must also be aware that any activity that requires members to travel on public transport, or visit public venues where they cannot necessarily keep distancing rules and may touch surfaces that have been touched by many others, will be risky for quite some time.
I hope this helps clarify our current position. The Management Committee is eager to return to more normal activities but will proceed with caution.
We value you and want to keep you safe.
Des Taylor, President, U3A Brisbane
Transition to Remote Learning
Although we are presently unable to offer traditional classes in our City Campus and suburban venues, we still have 211 active classes employing various Remote Learning methods, e.g. by email, discussion groups or Online Classes using Zoom videoconferencing. More than half our classes now use Zoom. Congratulations to both tutors and members who have embraced the new learning opportunities.
To enrol in a class and join the revolution, either see our current Timetable, or use Class Search.
Student Zoom Instructions
Tutor Zoom Instructions
Email Discussion Groups
U3A Brisbane recommends that tutors consider setting up an Email Discussion Group. This enables class members to join the group for interactive discussion, either as an adjunct to online classes or as a new means of involving students in an interactive way. See this page for detailed information:
Discussion Group Instructions (for tutors)
The current situation presents unprecedented challenges for all of us. The impact will affect all of us but some more than others. We are mindful of the extra social and emotional impact on some of our members.
Like many organisations, we are doing all we can to ensure our members can stay in contact with each other and where possible participate in classes in new ways, as you will see below. Some of these ways are exciting and will offer new opportunities to learn, which is what U3A is all about.
The Management Committee is continuing its functions as usual to keep the organisation running as smoothly as possible in the circumstances. Individual members are encouraged to keep in contact with each other outside classes.
If you have any concerns or questions related to the current crisis please email us at:
Term 2 Classes
Most tutors are continuing to communicate with classes by email. Members will need to enrol in Term 2 classes if they wish to continue with any particular class. We strongly encourage all tutors to continue their class communication by email and/or online where feasible. Perhaps you can come up with new and innovative ways of continuing the U3A spirit. All ideas are welcome.
Online Classes
We are recommending Zoom videoconferencing to all tutors to continue classes online. This facility will not be appropriate to all classes but should suit those classes where presentations are typically made. It is very easy to use and we encourage all members to join these sessions online when invited by the tutor.
Student Instructions
Tutor Instructions
Member Support
If in the midst of this chaos you are missing the company and conversation of your fellow U3A members, please email us at:
We cannot promise to teach you anything but we can have a chat either by email or telephone. Maybe you can share a social distancing story or we can show you where to look for answers to any questions you have. Email and let us know how best to contact you.
We intend to send eNews to all members on a more regular basis, e.g. weekly or fortnightly.
U3A Office
Our Creek St office is closed and all volunteers are working from home. The office phone is unattended so please direct all enquiries by email to:
Social Events
Most planned social events have been cancelled and payments refunded. See the Social Events page for updates.
Winter School
Winter School 2020 scheduled for 6-10 July has been cancelled. While there is a possibility that U3A will be re-opened by then, Winter School requires extensive advanced planning and forward commitments by speakers and it was considered necessary to cancel the event this year in the face of uncertainty.
Financial Outlook
U3A Brisbane is in a good financial position to weather the Coronavirus crisis. We will provide more information to members in due course.
The future
The Management Committee believes that, despite the serious impact of the crisis on us and our nation, members will continue their support for U3A.
As the situation continues to evolve, we'll keep in touch. We will continue eNews updates more frequently to keep you informed of our progress. We look forward to you sharing your thoughts and we hope you continue to take care of yourselves, your families, and your communities. We truly appreciate your continued loyalty and support.
Previous Update Message to Members about class suspension - 13 March 2020.